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Equipment procurement services from PE LTD are designed to assist those companies with limited resources or experience to source the best laboratory and analytical equipment to suit their requirements.

Our analytical specialists, working from many locations around the world, can help with vendor selection, equipment selection and sourcing and provide expert support during installation, commissioning and laboratory start-up.



  • Gain access to the expertise and experience of PE analytical specialists around the world
  • Avoid the risk of buying equipment models that suffer from ‘prototype failures’ by sourcing only tried, trusted and durable laboratory equipment which PE can vouch for
  • Reduce the time needed to make a trusted investment decision
  • Eliminate the lengthy processes of Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposal (RFPs) and avoid the need for Q&A sessions



PE LTD provides a full suite of services regarding instrumentation, implementation, calibration and operational start-up, including:

  • Supply of analytical laboratory equipment and associated software programs
  • Start-up project management and execution
  • Commissioning and training of your lab technicians and operators
  • Back-up and support from qualified PE  laboratories in the network
  • Coordinated support with manufacturer(s)